Temperature and Humidity Mapping of Data Center,Warehouse,Cold Rooms,Refrigerated Vehicles, Freezer, Refrigerators etc.

Temperature and Humidity Mapping of Data Center,Warehouse,Cold Rooms,Refrigerated Vehicles, Freezer, Refrigerators etc.

Temperature mapping study for warehouses is mainly for the storage of medicines. We have to store the medicines between 15 to 25 °C. Hence we have to ensure that the warehouse is capable of maintaining this temperature at all times. A temperature mapping study is useful for ensuring this.

Temperature Mapping of Warehouse, Cold Rooms, Refrigerated Vehicles

For optimum storage of medicines in a temperature-controlled environment, the temperature distribution has to be effective throughout the area. Also, all areas inside the racks/shelves have to maintain the desired temperature. The only method to identify this is through temperature mapping and studying the characteristics in real operational conditions. We have to analyze the temperature across various points inside a rack as well as the room to analyze for any critical changes.

We carry out the temperature mapping by distributing measuring probes centrally connected to a computer. An alternate method is by placing independent data loggers at various locations and later on consolidating the readings.

The studies can evaluate various conditions such as:


  1. Identifying the possibility of any critical hot or cold spots.
  2. Change in temperature by operational effects such as opening a door of the room/rack etc,
  3. Changes are based on the number of people present in the area.
  4. Uniform distribution of temperature across the entire room.

The study has to be ideally carried out in three conditions ie. when the area is empty, fully loaded /operational, normal level of operations. This will help to identify any potential problems at various levels of operational conditions.

Based on the criticality, operational conditions and ambient conditions, we recommend the duration of the mapping to be 7 to 14 days.

temperature mapping

We carry out the temperature and humidity mapping for warehouses, cold rooms, data centres, medicine rooms, refrigerators, refrigerated vehicles etc in UAE, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Kuwait & Saudi Arabia.

Also, we carry out Temperature mapping, validation and qualification for refrigerators, cold rooms, warehouses, refrigerated vans etc. in Kenya, Nigeria, Tanzania, Ethiopia, South Africa, Djibouti, Gabon, Morocco, Egypt, Lebanon etc.

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